
Pisteuomen Updated: New Features

To all of the readers here at Pisteuomen, thanks for bearing with me today as I made some significant updates to the site. It's probably safe to say that the most readily noticeable change is the "sliding menu" on the side of the page. When you scroll your mouse over that, you get a host of important links. Be sure to check those out!!!

One of the links that you will find on the side menu, has also been added to the right-hand column: Twitter. That's right, I finally set up a Twitter account today and I will begin Tweeting soon.

By far, the biggest change, though, has to do with the commenting here on Pisteuomen. Whereas commenting was limited to Blogger, OpenId & Anonymous before, now, if you have a Facebook, LinkedIn or Disqus account, you can also comment under those accounts!!! (Some kinks may need worked out but everything should be up and going now.)

Anyway, one of the things that I've tried to do since the inception of this site is to make it more user-friendly, so, I felt like it was time to do these things. Thanks again for bearing with me; I hope this makes your visits to Pisteuomen that much more enjoyable.

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