It is official, the news has been announced, Dr. Craig Keener is joining the faculty of Asbury Theological Seminary. Keener, a renowned author, respected scholar and globally reputable teacher will migrate from his post at Palmer / Eastern and relocate to Kentucky. Keener will be working with graduate and post-graduate students alike, mainly in the department of New Testament studies. There are many reasons Keener will be a good fit, not least being his diversity in the Gospels & Acts, his extensive knowledge of Historical Jesus & Pauline studies, but also because he is globally and missionally minded, which is a huge part of Asbury's ethos. Though I will probably only get to take one class with Keener, I still have several years left at ATS and look forward to getting to know him. So, let me just say, "Welcome, Dr. Keener. We're blessed to have you among us and we look forward to advancing the Kingdom with you." For those of you who, for some odd reason or another may not be familiar with Dr. Keener or his work, here's a brief clip of him speaking about Scripture:
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