
JSNT Review of My Book "Entering the Fray"

I was pleasantly surprised yesterday, when perusing the latest issue of JSNT (Journal for the Study of the New Testament), 35/1 (Aug., 2013): 3, to find that my book Entering the Fray: A Primer on New Testament Issues for the Church and Academy was reviewed. The reviewer, Dr. Peter Doble of the University of Leeds, gave a very favorable review of the book. Here's a portion of what he wrote:  

"In his interesting contribution to narrowing the gap between church and academy, Halcomb aims to explain Biblical Studies to non-specialists...Only use will disclose how effective Halcomb’s approach is. His book reads as an informed, fair and readable contribution to bridge-building by a real person—his briefly introducing each issue makes for personal engagement. He knows both constituencies. Halcomb’s rich contribution lies in making accessible what is often rejected or neglected...I commend this volume warmly to ‘congregants, pastors and students’ (p. xii)."

I'm grateful for the positive review and hope that others will be encouraged by it as well. You can get your copy of the print version HERE, the Kindle version HERE, the audio book version HERE, and visit the companion website HERE.

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