I have been teaching the same Sunday School class for about six years now and, for the most part, have enjoyed it very much. Every couple of weeks a number of the guys get together for breakfast or lunch at a local restaurant. I got word this afternoon that today's meal was a bit different than usual. Here's the short message I received about it, a message that, if all us Christians just stopped a moment to think about, could really teach us something. Sure, as a Christian, I want everyone, including my Muslim friends to come to know and trust Jesus. If that doesn't happen, however, the least I want is for us to be able to at least coexist in peace. Here is a great example of how we can take steps toward making that happen. Read this and then, my fellow Christian, realize that it's your move. Pay it forward!
Email Body: Most of you know about the New Covenant Mens Meals...we alternate between having breakfast and lunch at an area restaurant every three weeks. This morning, following a prayer, seven of us had a good meal and a good time at the IHOP on New Circle and Palumbo. When it came time to pay the bill our waitress told us it was taken care of. When pressed on this, she said another person had paid for all of us and insisted on remaining anonymous. She did hand us a note he had written:
"Peace From Your Muslim Brother." Needless to say we were surprised...and thoughtful about this act of generosity and the person doing it.
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