
Receive Pisteoumen by Email

Let me begin by saying "thank you" to everyone who has visited Pisteuomen so far. In the short week and a half that this blog has been up and running, it has had almost 500 visitors.

One of the interesting things, though, is that while numerous people have visited the blog, only few have left comments. I realize that one of the reasons for this is that many people simply don't have much time to respond. With that said, I also realize that for some it is even tough to visit the blog repeatedly to check the updates. So, I've decided to set up Pisteuomen in such a way that if you'd like, you can begin receiving blog updates and entries by email.

To make this happen, all you have to do is navigate to the right column near the top of the page and click the underlined phrase that reads "Click here to begin receiving Pisteuomen updates by email!" Once you've done that, you will be instantly redirected to a form where you simply type in your email (which will not be given out to anyone) and a confirmation code (which will appear on the screen). After you've done that, just click the "Subscribe Me" button and you're done; the whole process will take you less than 15 seconds. Every time the blog is updated, you will be the first to know about it; it's that easy!!!

Be sure to sign-up and let others know about this site. Be blessed and be a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. I think that I average at about 1 comment per 20 unique hits at my blog. It's probably due to time constraints by readers, and knowing how to use comment forms. That's one reason why, if I had it to do all over again, I'd probably use TypePad as my software instead of Blogger.
