
My New Book: Get Your Copy Now!

Today, I am pleased to announce the release of my latest book, which is titled People of the Book: Inviting Communities Into Biblical Interpretation. The book comes ready with a companion website, which contains print-outs, handouts, videos, and more. There is also a FREE companion Android app for People of the Book. You can find the link on the website, which is HERE. In addition, you will be able to find purchase links on the website, or you can just click HERE. While the title really captures the aim and heart of the book, here is a brief word about it:
We live in an era when the Bible appears to be less and less relevant to mainstream cultures. Those who do care about the Scriptures tend to derive their interpretations secondhand, from the preacher's pulpit or from generalized study guides written by complete strangers. These approaches overlook the communal and conversational nature of the Bible itself. If we hope to recover the transformative power of these ancient texts, and invite our world to reconsider their significance, we will need to engage whole communities together in the bottom-up task of interpretation. People of the Book was written to offer an organic-holistic approach to communal interpretation, an approach that can work for your community and appeal to your wider culture. Halcomb and McNinch envision the Bible as a conversation we are privileged to enter: listening, questioning, wrestling, reasoning, and responding together as authentic people of the Book.

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