Hello friends, I just wanted to drop a note that provides a link to a write up on my recent work People of the Book. It is featured on the Asbury Theological Seminary website, which you can access HERE. Here is a brief blurb from the Asbury posting, click the link to read the rest:Halcomb says that People of the Book is deeply rooted in the IBS (Inductive Bible Study) tradition, which features so prominently at Asbury Seminary. He readily admits that he is especially indebted to Drs. David Bauer, Lawson Stone, and Fred Long for repeatedly showing him what good IBS looks like. He notes, “For several years it has been one of my passions to bring IBS to the church level, that is, to the pastor, to the average lay person, to youth ministers and to Bible study leaders. That’s what this book does! However, it does not bring each of them to the interpretive process alone. Instead, People of the Book invites communities to take a walk through the interpretive process together in a live, on-the-spot fashion.”

You can find out more about the book by visiting the Companion Website
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