
Converstional Koine: Interested?

As many of you know, I posted a flyer on Pisteuomen a few weeks ago (see HERE and see the original flyer below) about a Conversational Koine class that I am teaching. There was a great response and numerous people have enrolled. In fact, I have filled 3 classes. However, I have had to "waitlist" 3 people for a potential fourth class. If I can get at least 2 more people to sign up, I am willing to offer it. We begin tomorrow and the class will meet every Tuesday (Jan 22nd - Apr 30th) from 3:45pm-4:45pm (Eastern Standard Time). The class is online and is $30 for the entire semester. Note that the everything except the time (for this new class 3:45pm-4:45pm) is the same.

***UPDATE:  Since posting this there have been a number of inquiries and I am going to have the class.  There are still a couple of openings for this 3:45pm-4:45pm (EST zone) if a couple of others are interested.

Click HERE for a .jpg version of the flyer for download

Conversational Koine

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