In a number of previous posts, I have shared photographs from a trip that I took through Turkey and Greece. Because so many believers never have the opportunity to journey to and through these ancient sites, I want to share some of my photos; this might allow some people to put a face on or an image with the places that they read about in Scripture. So, along with my series on “Studies in Mark,” I want to begin another new series: “Images of Antiquity.” Below is the first part in this new series. Enjoy.
(Click the photos for larger, more clear viewing.)

This is a photograph that was taken at the harbor downtown. Many ships come in and out of this area. Izmir is the third largest province in the country and is located in the southwest (a.k.a. southwest of ancient Asia Minor). It is about 35 miles north of Ephesus, which is not far from the island of Patmos.
This is a photo taken in Thyatira, now called Akhisar. The picture is of the walls of a 2nd to 4th century AD basillica. As you can see, like many ancient buildings that have been uncovered, the roof is missing. This basillica occupies about a quarter of the site that has been preserved. Thyatira is mentioned in Acts 16.4, Rev. 1.11 and 2.18ff.

Thansk for sharing the photos Michael! They are awesome! I'd love to take a tour through there some day too - and to the holy land. Hope all is well.