
ExegeTV - Episode 13, Having A Healthy Image Of The Bible

The latest episode of ExegeTV is up. It discusses having a healthy image of the Bible. It has also been added to the ExegeTV page / tab above. Check it out.


  1. Hey Michael
    On episode 13 there were some audio difficulties I was having your voice was overlapping itself so you might want to check your audio on episode 13. God bless

    David Foster

  2. David,
    I just watched episode 13 back and I heard no audio problems. are you sure you didn't have a computer microphone turned on/up when you were listening or that you didn't click or have the video playing twice (or in 2 different windows)? Again, I didn't notice any audio problems, though, I did see one small hiccup/glitch in the video. Thanks though. You know one voice could have been mine and since I'm full of the Holy Spirit, the other voice could have been His, speaking along with me and affirming every word I said :)

    See ya,
