Okay, if I haven't already said enough about the Kzoo bookstore and how I am just over-the-top impressed with it, I'll say something else. Not only is this the best priced bookstore ever, they also do this thing where if you're a city resident, you can fill out a card with what kind of books you're interested in and if they recieve any works of that nature, they'll hold them for you for a week and call you and let you know about them. I know of no other bookshops that do this (they may exist, I just don't know about them). Anyway, they called me this week and in addition to the Greek works I asked them to hold, I picked up 3 other books (the German ones and the Marva Dawn one) for a whopping $7. Incredible!!! Here they are:

* H. Jannach - German for Reading Knowledge
* G. Mathieu - Intro. to German Poetry
* C. Morrison - New Testament Word Lists
* B. Metzger - Lexical Aids for Students of NT Greek
* S. Paine - Beginning Greek
* M. Dawn - Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down
There is actually a shop in Lexington that does that. Its a comic shop, but hey, personal service is personal service. :) Thats pretty awesome