I'm glad to be done with my first semester. I've told myself from the start: If I can make it through the first year of this PhD program, I'll be able to make it all the way through. As it stands, I'm halfway done with the first year. I'm pretty sure I secured an "A" in all 3 classes and I know that I passed my German comps. Next semester is going to be much tougher though. I have Advanced Readings in Greek (Septuagint), Aramaic, New Testament Research Methods, Hebrew Comps & French Comps. Add 1 more kid in the family to that equation and it's not only going to be stressful, it's going to be nuts. I'm going to really have to hunker down for the next few months and dedicate myself to excellence. It's going to take a lot of focus, clarity and planning but I think I can do it. Thus, while say "So Long" to to first semester of PhD work, I post a picture here of one of my last class sessions (Seminar on the History of Biblical Interpretation) with Dr. Lawson Stone. (To read more about the semester, see Stone's blog by clicking the link below the photo). For those of you out there with exams to finish, grace and peace to you and may you finish with strength & confidence!

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