I don't feel the need to say much about why I chose to award the Pisteuomen Bible Belt to the two following blogs, but I should say something. The reason I chose these two blogs is because 1) They post nearly every day, 2) Nearly every post is biblically or theologically substantive, and 3) They "actually" live up to the titles of "bible blog" or "theo blog" (because that's "actually" what they blog about). Using those criteria, here are my choices for the top bible blog and theology blog of 2009:
*Bible Blog: John Hobbins:
Ancient Hebrew Poetry*Theo Blog: Alan Knox:
The Assembling of the ChurchJohn and Alan, thanks for continually and perpetually writing biblically and theologically substantive posts! Keep up the good work!
Wow... Thanks Michael! Can I get my belt in a size 34?
Ha! You're welcome, Alan.