
Persecution in America?

About a week ago, I posted an article on the Christian movement that is taking place in China. There, I noted how many of the Chinese believers undergo suffering, persecution and martyrdom for their faith in Jesus Christ. In China, as well as in many other parts of the world, Christians (and Christianity in general) are simply not accepted. While America prides itself on being a country where persons can express “religious freedom,” it seems that more and more, the Christian voice is being suppressed. I wonder if in the next 5, 10 or 20 years, Christians in America will be facing the same type persecution that those in many Eastern countries face?

Let me give you a few examples of what I am talking about. It is no secret that the media in America frowns upon and suppresses Christianity. They feel free to bash our faith while at the same time they strive to be politically correct about all other religions.

For instance, why didn’t the media make a big stink about the actions of one Buffalo middle school when the teachers planned and took the students to a mosque for worship (and made them obey all the Islamic regulations, e.g. removing shoes, wearing head coverings, etc.) as well as a Hindu temple? First, why was this allowed? Second, why was the Christian viewpoint excluded? I think most of us know the answer to that question! Anyways, you can read more about the New York, field trip by clicking on the following link: Field trip to the mosque.

And what about the New Jersey school who had its students go through a “terrorist drill” where they made the terrorists wear long, black, trench-coats and then labeled them as crazy Christians? Why did they have to make them any particular religion? Why couldn’t they just do the drill and leave it at that? If a private Christian school had done that using muslims or any other religious group as the terrorists, there would have been hell to pay from the media. For more on this disgusting story, click the following link: Terrorist drill.

Oh, I have another question, why was it only on KET’s “Religion & Ethics Newsweekly that the news was reported that 10 Christians were killed in Izmir, Turkey about two months ago by a group of radical muslims? If it had been the other way around, it surely would have been reported. Now, I’m not trying to provoke animosity towards muslims or anyone else, that is not my goal here. All I am trying to do is expose the ridiculous double-standards taking place in America (which have been taking place in other parts of the world at a far more serious level for much longer now). Will American Christians have to endure persecution in the next decade or two? Maybe so, if things continue as they are! We’ll see soon enough.


  1. I wonder if in the next 5, 10 or 20 years, Christians in America will be facing the same type persecution that those in many Eastern countries face?

    No, we won't. Thanks to the progressive voices of the US that are opposed to taking away people's rights. That couldn't happen here without some huge changes in our very nature.

    Further, Christians aren't oppressed here and they're not really surpressed here, either.

    However, as THE dominant religion - with many adherents who are sort of pushy with their religion as the One True Way and sort of patriarchal and condescending to those who aren't part of the One True Way - there IS some push back. People have tired of the hypocrisy and pushiness of some religious folk and their weird ways.

    And I say this as a Christian, a sunday school teacher, a deacon and all-around nice guy - to some degree, Christians have brought this upon themselves.

    Nonetheless, while there is some pushback against Christianity (as sort of indicated in your examples), we are in absolutely no danger of having our freedom of religion, to worship, to pray taken away from us.

    While America (which is 80%-ish Christian, at least nominally) may tire of religious folk, we are truly opposed to taking away rights, when it comes down to it.

    Or so it seems to me.

  2. Dan,

    Interesting comments; are you a universalist? Just wondering if you think Jesus actually is The One True Way or not?

    As for the entire post, you may be right that persecution will not show up; at least as I'm imagining but I certainly don't rule out the idea. And I would have to disagree with you that the "push back" is becuase of Christian partirarchy or condescension (though that does happen in some cases). You seem to look past the fact that Christianity is hated by Islam and atheists fiercely! You cannot ignore this fact--I think a lot of "liberal" Christians constantly do this and just make Christians out to be the bad guys and the cause of everyone's hate towards them. Yet, that is not always the case.

  3. No, I'm not a universalist. Jesus did teach us the Way.

    I'm not as dogmatic about it though, as I was when I was a younger Christian.

    Jesus' story about the two brothers who are asked by their father to do something - and the one says No, but does it and the second says Yes, but doesn't - is instructive to me.

    Jesus' words about many will say to me, "Lord, Lord!" but I will say, "I never knew you," are instructive to me.

    The story about the sheep and the goats - where many of the religious are surprised that they're on the wrong side and many of the "sinners" seem surprised to be on the right side - is instructive to me.

    You said:

    "You seem to look past the fact that Christianity is hated by Islam and atheists fiercely!"

    No, I haven't done that, because it isn't reality. Christianity is hated by SOME Muslims and SOME atheists fiercely, a fact that is obvious. Christianity is disrespected by some Muslims and atheists and it is respected-but-disagreed-with by others, yet.

    I certainly don't think Christians are "the bad guys," I'm one of them, after all. I just think that Christians are "the guys." The fallen, the petty, the graced, the forgiven, thanks be to God.

    I do worry about fundamentalists of many religions. I don't demonize fundamentalists - getting back to the fundamentals is a good thing. But often, fundamentalism has had a zeal that has led to oppression and violence - moreso amongst Muslims, I'd suggest, but in religions across the board, it has happened.

  4. Dan,

    Your comments are insightful. I stand corrected on my absolute statement that insinuated all muslims; you are surely right about that! Thanks.

    I agree with you, those texts are instructive.

    I also agree with you that the zeal of many fundamentalists is not balanced by knowledge.

    You make some excellent points here. I enjoy discussing these things with you.

  5. "I stand corrected on my absolute statement that insinuated all muslims; you are surely right about that! Thanks."

    Dear Michael, Hi! Nice to see your blog here! Keep up the good work. I want to throw in that, in your first, pre-apology statement, you actually had been correct, when the term "Muslim" is defined in a proper way that is faithful to the earliest texts of Qur'an and sunnah and to the example of Muhammad and all his earliest successors. And that correct way of defining "Muslim" is often seen in Islamic revivals throughout history--a return to the aboriginal faith and behaviour of the "prophet" and his teachings.
    Now, as a matter of contextual necessity, it is also a usage to allow the liberalized, westernized, watered-down, semi-Muslims to get by with that self-description. But that is why those "Muslims," who may be able to recite the shahada, etc., but are not really observant of the full teaching and example of the prophet, are targeted for their corruption of the true faith (cf. the Almoravids and the Almohad Mahdi in their conquests to purify the Andalusian liberals in the 10th-11th centuries, the Sudanese Mahdi of the 1880s vs. the westernized Turks, etc.).
    So, yes, you can say that not all (liberalized, watered-down) "Muslims" hate Christianity, but you were correct when you first said that, generally (like the Proverbs) speaking all (truly submitted-to-the-demon and observant) Muslims do hate Christianity, for all true muslims ought to.
    And so, yes, if we allow it, we can expect persecution in America, as is happening everywhere I know of that Islamic Shari'ah Law gains sufficient power--it enslaves the social order, and infidels have a third-class dhimmitude-slavery. (And the so-called "progressives" are contributing to our capitulation to Islamic subversion.)

  6. "Muslims do hate Christianity, for all true muslims ought to."

    Well, I reckon this argument could be made in the other direction, as well. "All TRUE Christians ought to hate Islam!"

    Fortunately, there are a good number of progressive-minded Muslims and Christians who reject the notion that one must hate the faith tradition of the other in order to be true to their own faith.

    Fortunately many of us - Christians and Muslims - can acknowledge that we disagree with the other religion without having to hate it. That sort of hatred has led to too many jihads and crusades and is not needed.

  7. olorin & dan,

    I do think that persecution will be on the rise in the upcoming years. I agree with Olorin's point about the Shariah Law, we see that cropping up in American cities all over the place at present. Anger towards those who don't acknowledge it seems to be on the rise as well in those areas.

    Dan, I think your statement about Christians "hating" Muslims is quite unfounded. Olorin is right that in the koran and in the traditions of islam, there are mandates to hate and kill Christians (referred to as infidels). Yet, just because they are mandated to hate us does not mean that our book and traditions tell us to do the same thing. The tit-for-tat thing just doesn't work here; it is logic with a kink in it.

    Now, in some sense, I find myself in the middle of where both of you stand. So, let me define myself. I would say that as a Christian I do not respect and am not called to respect any other religion; I don't respect any other religion and never will. However, that is not the same thing as saying I don't respect other humans who practice different religions. In fact, I love those people; I am commanded to love them. Yet, respecting them and respecting their religion are two totally different things.

    Thus, while I don't respect islam, I would show respect to persons who might practice it. Again, this is not the same thing as showing respect for thier practices (I won't do that!). But I will love them, just as Christ would if He met them.

    You both raise some good points. I do agree with you Olorin that anything that is not of Christ is not of God and therefore against God.

    By the way, thanks for the encouraging words Olorin, I hope to hear more from you and Dan both. By the way Dan, I can't figure out exactly which blog is yours, there are like 6 or 7 under your profile; thus, I've been unable to interact on your blog so far.

  8. A Payne Hollow Visit is my main blog. Sorry, I don't think I'd realized how many show up there.

    Life at Jeff Street is my church's blog, which I manage.

    By the way, I've added you to my blog roll over at Payne Hollow. I sure appreciate your gracious posts and comments, even when I disagree with them.
