This morning I received my copy of Thomas Söding’s
Der Markus-Evangelium (
Exeges Und Predigt series) in the mail—shipped directly from Belgium. It is my first German commentary on Mark to work through. Because my German is not impeccable, I decided that I’d start off with something a bit more practical and easier to read than some of the other, more in-depth German works. I think that, just for my sake, I’m going to start a short series of some sort on this book. Perhaps it will just be quotes from the book with definitions to follow or grammar tips, etc. We’ll see. I’m excited, though, to finally have a Kommentar to be able to read alongside my German copy of
Die Bibel.
Looking forward to it. My German is really rusty...and has never been very good. I need to spend more time in it, so bring on the practice!