
From Yale To Taylor

A few years ago while working at a youth summer camp in Indiana (the same place I met my wife), I also met a fellow by the name of Robby Moeller. I didn't take him to be a "politicker" at the time but now, it seems that he is. Lately, Mr. Moeller has been debating a former clasmmate of his (Brent Maher) from Taylor University (Indiana). The context of the argument is as follows: Last fall when the Yale Document (an open letter from Christians extending a hand of peace to Muslims) came out, Maher signed his name and his school's name to the letter, which upset Robby. Well, time has passed, Robby wanted to take him to task for it and now they're engaged in a convo concerning the matter. Robby thinks it is an irresponsible letter and Brent thinks it is much needed. Moeller thinks it's ridiculous, Maher thinks it's a good start. If you want to keep up with the conversation, which is quite interesting, click on the two following links and follow the other links provided (it starts with Moeller's entry first): Moeller's Introduction, Maher's first reply, Moeller's first rebuttal.

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