In 5 days, we will launch our first ever HelpKorah campaign. The initial campaign, titled “Tweet for Korah: The Shoe Campaign” will be all day January 18th. The goal of the campaign is twofold and very sweet and simple: 1) Raise awareness about Korah through social media such as Twitter, Facebook & blogs; 2) Raise funds to help buy shoes for the children of Korah.
100% of all money raised will be taken to Ethiopia where shoes will be purchased and given to the children (and perhaps some parents). We will post photos of this as soon as we are able, so that you can see up-close-and-personal how you made a positive difference. Still wondering about all of this? Well, read on for just a moment.
Consider this: Korah is a community of about 80,000 that backs up to the city dump of Addis Ababba, Ethiopia’s capital city which has about 4-6 million people. The trash of these people and businesses makes it to the dump and the Korah kids (and adults) journey into the landfill everyday looking for a bite to eat. Studies have shown (you can read about them on the HelpKorah website) that many medical venues have been violating disposal laws and thus, things like bandages, needles and other used medical devices lay exposed to those digging through the trash. You ask, so, is this a campaign to buy shoes for people so they can dig through the trash? No! It is a campaign to protect them because at this point, it is inevitable that they will do so. But, there is another reason.
Korah is a leper community. Many people have malformed hands or feet or legs, etc. One thing that many people just do not realize is that leprosy falls upon many of these people because of the hard labor that they must undergo while wearing no shoes. Some walk miles and miles without shoes, often carry large loads, which begins to cripple their feet. Shoes can go a long way, especially for children, in terms of helping curtail these problems.
There are many more reasons to help with The Shoe Campaign but those are just a few. Please, on Monday the 18th, help us raise awareness and support for Korah. Join Twitter, Facebook and other social networks if you have to. Start a blog and write about it. Post flyers in your church. Put the ad logo in your church bulletins this Sunday or put it up on your projector screen. Do whatever you can to partner with us in this event! And don’t forget, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me via the Contact Page / Form on the HelpKorah.blogspot.com website.
-Founder, Michael Halcomb
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