
"Shout To The Lord" on American Idol - Take 2

As I noted in a post a few days ago, it was quite odd that American Idol aired the contestants singing "Shout To The Lord" two nights in a row. WSK pointed out in her comments, something I hadn't noticed: on the first night, they changed "My Jesus..." to "My Shepherd". Not so on the second night. See the 2nd video below, which still has me perplexed (see the 1st one HERE). Why is AI doing this? See the good comments to the previous post HERE.


  1. there's some excellent commentary and inside production information on Josh Harris' blog:

  2. wsk,

    thanks, that is an interesting link. still, i wonder if there was more to it, especially in terms of $. i was never fretting over the name change, i mean, they did the song 2 nights in a row and even if they did change the words, everyone still knows that song. what got me was the overt and repeated mentions of jesus like 2 or 3 weeks in a row. what's going on? it's like klove and ai are becoming bedfellows. but why?

  3. We may be speaking across each other to different issues, but i have 2 comments...

    "it's like klove and ai are becoming bedfellows. but why?"

    Does it matter why, if Jesus is being proclaimed in prime-time? I am reminded of what Paul said to the Philippians: "The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached."

    and in that vein, you said:

    "i was never fretting over the name change, i mean, they did the song 2 nights in a row and even if they did change the words, everyone still knows that song."

    People who are exposed to comtemporary Christian music know the song, but the whole point is that everyone in the AI audience doesn't know the song! I'll bet there are members of the traditional UMC I attend that don't know songs that aren't in the hymnal, and certainly the unchurched don't. And if Jesus is not explicitly named, a song can be coopted by the New Age religions, who will imagine the shepherd/saviour/lord to be anyone and anything that pleases them.

