
SBL: A Bibliophile's Heaven (or hell)

Speaking of my library coming alive, I've made some additions. Here's what I've picked up at SBL so far:


1. Harvard Theological Review, 100/1 (Jan, 2007).

2. The Journal for the Association of Jewish Studies, 31/1 (April, 2007).

3. Scottish Journal of Theology, 60/1 (2007).

4. The IVP Introduction to the Bible, ed. P. S. Johnson (Downers Grove, Ill: IVP, 2006).

Purchased (short bibliographical info.):

1. From One Medium to Another: Basic Issues for Communicating the Scriptures in New Media (R. Hodgson & P. A. Soukup)

2. Fidelity and Translation: Communicating the Bible in New Media (R. Hodgson & P. A. Soukup)

3. Ancient Texts Alive Today: The Story of The English Bible (J. S. Kerr)

4. A Feminist Companion to Mark (Amy-Jill Levine)

5. Provoking the Gosple of Mark: A Storyteller's Commentary (Richard W. Swanson)

6. Word Biblical Commentary: Mark 1-8.26 (Robert A. Guelich)

7. Word Biblical Commentary: Mark 8.27-16.20 (Craig A. Evans)

8. Mark: Images of An Apostolic Interpreter (C. Clifton Black)

9. Social Scientific Models for Interpreting the Bible (ed. J. J. Plich)

10. Marriage and Family in the Biblical World (ed. Ken M. Campbell)

11. Miracles in Jewish and Christian Antiquity: Imagining Truth (John C. Cavadini)

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