
What Good Are We? : Theoetry, Pt. 1

I've written a number of poems on Pisteuomen before but just so I can start categorizing them, I'm going to put them in a series I'm calling "Theoetry" (I just coined a word, I think). Thus, this is poetry about God, faith and things of that nature. Enjoy.

What Good Are We?

What good are eyes to see
If we always look away?
What good are minds to think
If we’re just stuck in our ways?

What good are ears to hear
If we don’t listen when people speak?
What good are hands to serve
If they’re only serving me?

What good are feet to go
If we just sit and never rise?
What good is the heart
If we can never empathize?

What good is the mouth
If it only speaks bad news?
What good is the conscience
If it stays adverse to truth?

What good is the soul
If we reject it’s Godward pull?
What good this life
If it’s not lived to the full?

What good are the emotions
If we only let them run wild?
What good is the body
If it is constantly defiled?

What good is each breath
If we dread our very living?
What good are our gifts
If we’re never giving?

What good is faith
If we never let it flower?
What good is Jesus’ blood
If we ignore it’s saving power?

.: T. Michael W. Halcomb :.

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